Tag Archives: email

My address is an email address

Message to the world: if you want to make sure that a message you have might for me reaches me in a proper and timely way… send it by email, not as a letter. Especially if you are a government agency or a supplier of a service or utility and expect some kind of response/action/payment from my side.

The circumstances of my personal and professional life have evolved in such a way that I spend large chunks of time in multiple locations. But that also implies Continue reading

Adventures in unsubscribing

4143515608_b1e023af24_bWhenever I decide to dig into some or other subject matter, I end up being subscribed to several email newsletters, as you often cannot download a piece of content that appears to be interesting (but half of the time turns out not to be – let’s call that the movie-trailer-phenomenon) without submitting your email address. Obviously I could set up Continue reading

Do check your email in the morning

9126513137_3c3c553aaf_kOne of the podcasts* I regularly listen to is HBR Ideacast and a while ago I heard an episode featuring Ron Friedman on how to structure your day to get the most done. One of the claims he makes is that you should not check your email at the beginning of your working day. I completely disagree. Continue reading